Electronic business - concepts and models of e-business, technology (hardware, software, Internet, HTML, XML, databases, etc.), enterprise and inter-enterprise information systems (EDI, CPFR, RFID, CRM, etc.), security and encryption, advertising on internet and its measurement, electronic signature, electronic commerce (e-commerce) and payment systems (e-payments). Forms of e-business (B2B, B2C, B2E, B2A, C2C). The focus is mainly on e-commerce and m-commerce, i.e. electronic and mobile forms of trade (online shops, online marketplaces, e-procurement) and the changes that cause in the areas of consumer behavior, marketing, supply chain management, intercompany cooperation (networks) and retail management.
Electronic business - concepts and models of e-business, technology (hardware, software, Internet, HTML, XML, databases, etc.), enterprise and inter-enterprise information systems (EDI, CPFR, RFID, CRM, etc.), security and encryption, advertising on internet and its measurement, electronic signature, electronic commerce (e-commerce) and payment systems (e-payments). Forms of e-business (B2B, B2C, B2E, B2A, C2C). The focus is mainly on e-commerce and m-commerce, i.e. electronic and mobile forms of trade (online shops, online marketplaces, e-procurement) and the changes that cause in the areas of consumer behavior, marketing, supply chain management, intercompany cooperation (networks) and retail management.
Elektronické podnikání - pojetí a modely e-businessu, technologie (hardware, software, internet, HTML, XML, databáze atd.), podnikové a mezipodnikové informační systémy (EDI, CPFR, RFID, CRM apod.), bezpečnost a šifrování, reklama na internetu a její měření, elektronický podpis, elektronické obchodování (e-commerce) a platební systémy (e-payments). Formy e-businessu (B2B, B2C, B2E, B2A, C2C).Pozornost je věnována především e-commerce a m-commerce, tedy elektronickým a mobilním formám obchodu (internetové obchody, internetová tržiště, e-procurement) a změnám, které způsobují v oblastech chování spotřebitelů, marketingu, supply chain managementu, mezipodnikových kooperací (sítí) a retail managementu.